I traveled to Raleigh, NC, to visit my best friend Michele and my remarkable goddaughter, Karmen. I had a wonderful visit with them, and while there, Michele and I visited the Sarah P. Duke Gardens in Durham, North Carolina, on June 2nd.
The 55-acre garden is located on the campus of Duke University and is accessible to the public. It has four main garden sections - The Doris Duke Center & Gardens, The Historic Gardens, The W. L. Culberson Asiatic Arboretum, and the H. K. Blomquist Garden of Native Plants. It's a gorgeous and peaceful space in the heart of a bustling city.
One of the main attractions within the Historic Garden is the Mary Duke Biddle Rose Garden/Roney Fountain. This area would have flourished with an abundance of roses; however, the dreaded rose rosette disease (RRD) infiltrated the garden (rose bushes and soil) in 2019. In October of that year, the entire garden was dug out and replanted with other plant material until the soil recovers. Although we were disappointed that the Biddle Rose Garden had been devastated, Michele and I enjoyed our day nevertheless.
For more information visit, Duke Gardens | Learning, inspiration and enjoyment